Saturday, August 19, 2006


People generally consider life to be very complicated. For them, life is an unsolved mystery... But has anyone thought what makes life such a complex thing? Is it by itself or our own creation. We are born with equal opportunities... Its only our way of living that defines our life, and in turn we are the only one who blame our life. So why blaming life? The basic problem is the way we live our life.... Its highly possible that the life has got many good things for us in it, but the opaque or translucent layer of our thoughts disables it to show the reality. We mould our life the way we want to live it, be it good or be it bad.... The good thing for one may be bad for other, or vice versa... Its all about how you look at the things. Life is always neutral for everybody. God can never be bias... Though I haven't met God in person ( I dont know its He/She), but one thing is for sure, that God never wanted us to be the way we are.

There are only two kinds of people around: one who first perform and then ( may or may not) give a thought, and the others are the ones who think think and think, and then perform... Normally the second kind of people are considered to be very different or may be detested by others considering that they are not moving ahead with the pace required. Whats there to think so much?? Life is toooo short for thinking... We need to do a lot of stuff and so we will do it... Who cares whats next??? whatever it may be, we'll see when it comes... This is the general attitude of people towards living.... But my question is that is this living really what we are supposed to be living??? Is it fair enough to value life and living at our own convenience without even thinking what it has in it for us??? I am sure, if we intend to search the truth, we shall find some thing we already know... But its just we do not want to accept it.... It is very rightly said that truth is very bitter.... No doubt people want to be in their comfort zone always and tend to back off with the facts coming their way... They dont like changes.... Moreover they cannot take the changes going around them, be it individuals or the surroundings.... The expectations of human mind always create a very thick layer which prevents the mind as well as the soul to think beyond the obvious.... They always show to people what they want to see, and keeps them away from the things that people dont like...

Expectations also help in creating perceptions and that may result in giving away judgements very quickly... The individuals gives up his analytical skills ( if any ) and tends to think irrationally... though in his views, he is rational only... Thats the effect of expectations... - Denial of the truth.... Non-acceptance of what is right and acceptance of what, in their view, should be right...

Coming back to the initial discussion of life and living, the question still remains unanswered - Does living really mean what we are living??? Well the answer is NO... Living is infact very different from what we are living...


Blogger Devashish said...

nice one devesh !!

but who knows may b GOD actually wanted our lives to b the way they are now !!!

at the same time, it's also true that our lives are the way we make them thru purshartha and GOD spices it up with kal and dev.....!!!

12:13 AM  

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