Friday, November 03, 2006


Who could have imagined that life can be predictable? Everyone say that life is the most mysterious thing in this world. No one can say what route it will take the next moment and what will happen next. But I say that you just need to have right vision, and the doors of uncertainty are wide open in front of you. May it be any situation or a person, if you are able to analyze it fully, all the moves are predictable. Time is a crucial factor in this case. If you can devote some time effectively in analyzing things around, you can surely know what will happen next.

Human mind, as all know, works very fast and the number of decisions taken by it is huge. Millions of thoughts flow through the networks in a while. But one thing is for sure, that all the decisions or thoughts follow a trend. They cannot be totally independent. They all have something in common, and the key is to catch that common factor. This commonality helps us in coining what will happen next if a given situation is faced. The reason being, the mind can think in only that direction, where all thoughts go. It is a very wrong notion that mind moves in all directions. In fact, there can be nothing as straight as mind. Yes, it can be diverted towards different paths, but that’s a different story altogether.

Talking from the past experiences, you will definitely find a range of people with different mind sets. They think differently, act differently and behave differently to different situations. In short they are different. But one thing that is common is that they all will have their own unique way of what we say “the mind motion”. This uniqueness, they feel is their strength, but in reality can be a weakness if caught by others. Human tendency is to hide everything, but in this quest, he tends to reveal more than required. You think that you can run away with your thoughts and deeds by not expressing them to others. But one thing that you are forgetting is that there is someone somewhere keeping a close watch on you. And the moment you expose a little bit of your inner self, you become predictable. It is very hard to digest this fact, but I am sure, those who have experienced this, will support the reality. No matter how intelligently one can preserve his own self, but someday it has to come out. It’s inevitable. And that is the time, he becomes predictable. Every step that he takes or he is going to take, is right there in your mind.

Many a times you will think that “ohh yes, I knew it… this thing was always there in the back of my mind….. how did I miss it, it was so obvious…..” These are nothing but the predictions that you could have made, if you had the right kind of thoughts and directions. Nothing is hidden in this world. What is required, is to open your eyes and see the unseen. Expect the unexpected. Find the hidden and remember the forgotten. You will definitely find a way out of any situation.


Blogger Falgun Patel said...

Life is predictable if you are in a comfort zone. The moment you try to move to a new comfort zone or are pushed to a new zone, life starts becoming unpredictable. It is then upto an individual as you have mentioned, how he or she controls the thinking process and starts predicting life.

- Falgun

7:30 AM  

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