Friday, January 19, 2007



"Mr. Confused Long Ears...."


“Twinkle twinkle little star… How I wonder what you are….. Up above the world so high…. I really wonder where you are???” People say that stars and other celestial bodies do have an impact on living beings. If that is so, where are you when you are needed the most? Life is full of chances, and what I am asking is just one chance…. One chance to prove, prove something that I don’t know, and I don’t want to know… But just want to prove… Prove myself that I am something, to prove the world that I am not nothing. Life takes twists and turns every time, and who has to suffer, us. We are the creators and also the victims of this vicious cycle called life.

It is rightly said that happiness can’t be gained easily. Good times rarely knock your door, and if you miss it, there are 100s of bad times waiting to conquer you. You miss the train and there you are, surrounded by bad things everywhere. You can’t breath freely, there is smoke all over, your lungs start pumping hard, and heart gives up pumping at times. And what you want is just one chance to change that mistake you made and just one chance to change the things and bring everything back to normal. But the rules say, you miss one, and you are a loser. No matter how much you try, you will have to suffer the pain that is written in your destiny.

But then, we are human beings- the most intelligent living organism, and we find an excuse to everything. And the excuse is “its not in our hands… whatever happens is for our own good…. There is always a brighter side to every darkness…. Etc… etc….” it really sound soothing when spoken, but its painful when it comes to our own self. The reason is quite obvious, you know that you made a mistake and the darkness around you is just because of that blunder you did, may be due to the circumstances around, may be due to some really bad time you are going through. As it is rightly said “A person really goes out of his mind, when his fate is near”.

You must be having millions of happiness around you, but one moment, a really bad moment, can ruin everything. Just like a tsunami or an earthquake changes the map of a location. It is quite true. The ocean and the land are quite silent by nature, same as human hearts… you never know what’s going on inside them… but the day they break all the shackles and start their rampant journey… it’s a massive destruction… so it’s called a catastrophe…

No one is perfect. Everyone has some or the other fault. It may be impatience, it may be anger, it may be anything. But is it not fair enough to forgive one deed and give JUST ONE CHANCE? No heart is good or bad by birth. It’s the way you treat it. And if you know that the so called soul, the counter part of the mind, is pure and very pure, isn’t it fair enough to give JUST ONE CHANCE? Is it asking for too much?? It may sound ridiculous to many of us, but the truth is that every one of us is searching for that ONE CHANCE… to change the things, to change the mistakes and to change our own self, if needed.

Life teaches us everything, and the sole answer to all the above question is TIME. Everyone says that give time, and everything will be back to normal. But, but, but…. Does it mean that we should give up on the efforts and wait for the time to come and heal everything? I mean, how can one give up so soon, or so easily on the happiness around, just for some stupid mistake that he committed, and accept the fate and take up all the pain given to him. Mr. X commits a fatal error, and he knows that. He is feeling guilty and responsible for what he did. That mistake ruined everything he had with him at that time… but the mistake was a mistake.. totally unintentional and based on the circumstances he was in. he knew the consequences of it, but got carried away.. and now is suffering the end result of the wrong step that he took. Now what he is asking is JUST ONE CHANCE… he knows he can’t undo the error, but can definitely make up for mistake he made. Who doesn’t want things to be normal, everybody does. So is it fair enough to leave Mr. X alone with his mistake circled around his neck, or should others try to give him ONE CHANCE, forgetting what he did, and to get things back on track. The mistake that he made costed him the priceless thing, TRUST. ‘The Others’ lost trust in him, and it is the most difficult thing to gain back… people trust others, and the real trust comes very rarely… it takes ages to develop that trust… and Mr. X know that once even spoken words and arrows can at times return, but the lost trust can never come back… and he knows that he has lost it… but can’t he get just one chance to make things better between Mr. X and ‘The Others’… please…..

One reply I got on this one...:

" Why did earthquakes or tsumanis occur? Because we humans are ruining slowly something called the mother nature.. We the humans expect mother nature to tolerate all the digging and wasting - all the torture that we give her.. Y? Doesnt she have a right to be angry? Doesnt she feel bad or hurt? Its the fact one has to pay for one's deeds and has to accept change.. people are now back to their normal life after earthquake..we mourn but we dont stop living beacause we are intelligent and brave creation of GOD. If your mother hurts you for one of your wrong deeds - it doesnt mean that she hates you or your life has ended. It hurts a lot and might once leave a mark for few days but after those few days.. its back.. its normal.. she is also hurt by what she did to you but it was needed.." -- A friend...